One of the South African Rugby Legends Association’s (SARLA) primary objectives is to provide ongoing support for the upliftment and education of children. So, the Rugby Legends were only too happy to step up when Preggie Pillay, CEO of Com-mercial Property at FNB, issued a charity challenge to his colleagues, Rugby Leg-end and Provincial Head of Property Finance for FNB Business: KZN, Justin Swart.
The Amaoti settlement is Durban’s largest informal settlement. Amaoti and its sur-rounding areas are affected by high levels of poverty, unemployment and social is-sues – including high numbers of orphans, vulnerable children and prevalent HIV – all of which have a direct impact on the kids who attend schools in the area.
Lungisani Indlela is a Christian-based NPO that caters for the ever-growing needs of local Amaoti community. Lungisani Indlela’s vision is to empower the people and children of Amaoti through education and community development. And they cur-rently accommodate 350 children at their Amaoti school.
The Sarasvati Primary School in the Frasers informal settlement in Frasers, Ton-gaat, was opened on 12 March 1943. And with its 77th birthday approaching, this school also faces several social and financial challenges due to unavoidable circumstanc-es.

Sarasvati is a government school and a no-fee institution, which accommodates underprivileged learners from the Frasers community and other surrounding com-munities (currently about 400 children from Grade R to Grade 7).
When Preggie Pillay heard of the two schools’ circumstances, he issued a chal-lenge to FNB’s Commercial Property Finance Division, calling on Executive Mem-bers to dig deep and contribute to these two worthy causes.
Within a matter of hours, R 30 000 had been raised by 21 CPF Exco Members. Staff members contributed an additional R 3200. And the funds were put towards much-needed school shoes for 750 learners at the two schools.
Justin Swart then enlisted SARLA, who came on board, along with sponsor, Thirsti Water, to drop off the new shoes at the two schools and deliver some much-appreciated Thirsti Water for the kids. Novita Shoes co-partnered with FNB i.e. for every pair purchased, they sponsored a free pair. Thanks to Bigfoot Express for col-lection and delivery of the shoes. Truda Snacks also provided treats and ready-made maize porridge supplies.
SARLA CEO, Stefan Terblanche, said “We’re so glad that Justin and FNB brought SARLA on board to help these kids. It was truly a wonderful moment when the kids all received their brand new shoes and supplies and we hope we helped them, at least in some small way, find some hope in the world.”
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